What do you do in case of emergency in WA?

Fortune favours the prepared, as the old saying goes. But how do you put contingencies in place and know who to contact if faced with an emergency situation when you are away from everything you know? And all those support networks you would contact in these situations! Here at New in Town we want to make your transition to Perth as smooth as possible, so we have put together this guide to ensure that you are as prepared as possible for any event.

Someone sick? Who can you call? Health Direct!

If you are not sure whether your sickness or injury requires immediate medical assistance, Health Direct will help you work it out. The phone line is staffed by Registered Nurses who will walk through your symptoms and advise you whether you have to go to hospital or simply make a Dr’s appointment. This is especially great for those with small children! 


If you have been advised to go to hospital under your own steam, or if you have been advised to make a Dr’s appointment, make sure you check out the hospital and Drs appointment aps that we covered in our previous article HERE http://www.newintown.com.au/latest-news-blog/2017/7/6/13-free-apps-that-make-living-in-perth-even-better.

Seen something? Say Something!

If you have witnessed or been involved in an accident or incident that doesn’t require immediate police assistance, the Police Info Line is the best place to call. They can request Police to come to your location if necessary. If it is an emergency, stick with 000, but if not try the Police Info Line. You can also report minor traffic accidents here.

Police Info Line - Ph: 131 444

If you see a fire or hear about one that you know has already been reported but you want to know if you are safe or if conditions are expected to change, try calling DFES or the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

DFES (Fire Info) – Ph: 13 33 37

If there is a storm or other emergency where you need the attendance of the SES (State Emergency Services) to assist you at your property or in your neighbourhood, call them. They have fully trained rescue staff who can help in a variety of ways during natural disasters and accidents.

SES – 132 500

Is there things leaking out where they should not?

It is a great idea to have these contacts close by to ensure that you are prepared in case you find yourself in a leaky situation. In WA most of the infrastructure is maintained by State Government agencies, so it does means less people to call when you need to report a gas, water or electricity issue.

Gas Leaks – Ph: 13 13 52

Water Leaks – Ph: 13 13 75

Electricity – Ph: 13 13 51

It is a great idea to have all these numbers in one place, so here is a suggestion for one way you can do this! A printable is available here (http://www.sanctifieddocuments.com/2017/03/emergency-contact-printable.html). It works best stuck to your fridge!